Friday in the Canyon
The kids had the day off from school, it was a nice day, and that was a good enough reason for me to take the day off as well. We loaded up the machines, and headed up to Mill Flat near Midway to drop the trailer. With FR085 still out of commission, to get to the eastern end of the canyon, Midway was the way to go.

We drove up over Pole Line Pass, just cruising and taking in the scenery. The leaves were starting to change colors, and the weather was nice & cool. We started to head up Miller Hill, and pulled off on one of the side spurs to have some lunch.
After lunch we continued up the hill, but turned around after the terrain got to be a bit much for the kids on the ATVs. I love that trail, so we'll definitely come back once they're more capable riders.

Coming down Miller, we ran into some guys taking their 4Runners up, and when they got to the first really rocky section, one of the guys really struggled. His friend and I helped to stack some rocks, and spot him through different lines, but eventually we had to grab a tow strap to pull him up. The guy had commented that this was his very first time off-roading, so, good for him going all-in on his first time out.
Friday in the canyon
Once the trail was clear for us to continue down, we got back on our way. Hit a few more trails, then eventually made our way back to the trailer to load up and head back home.